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portrait with cat

Francesca Biundo

My name is Francesca and I am a Feline Relationship Consultant with a SIUA certified zooanthropological cognitive approach.

Since I was a child I have always observed animals and nature in a respectful and loving way.

My life has always been flanked by the figure of the cat.

Lucy with which I grew up until I was nine years old.


Nicky that accompanied my entire adolescence and that gave me the push tod start my veterinary assistant studies and develop my creative side by doing animal portraits.

Akiwho is next to me today in a new phase of my life. 

The desire to better understand the feline world in order to be able to better take care of them, has allowed me to specialize as a FELINE RELATIONSHIP CONSULTANT. 

coccole gatto
cat sitting
coppia gatti benessere

Living in close contact with them was a strong enrichment, which led me to observe and

take care of those around me.

Taking care of children and animals as an adult,helped to carry on this predisposition

to caring in a satisfying and coherent way with who they are.

Listening and empathy are essential to be able to fully understand the emotions of people and animals. 

I live thereto diversity deother species not as something negative, but as enrichment and curiosityà towards a behavior that doesn't necessarily have the same vision as me.

fusa gatto

I offer consultations to owners who have a desire to better understand their cats.

Situations could be: needs outside the litter box, conflicts, aggression, stress, fears, changes such as moving house or birth of a child, pre and post adoptions..

or simply set up a peaceful coexistence between cat and owner.


  • Private consultations on the relationship between cat and owner


  • Training course for veterinary assistant

  • Feline Relationship Counselor at                         SIUA Zooanthropological cognitive approach

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      Varedo (MB) Lombardia

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